- 办公地点: pinnacle博彩 121
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- 研究生课程:
- 科研方向: 统计数量遗传学、动植物遗传育种、生物信息学、进化及群体遗传学、化学遗传学等
- 社会职务:北京女科技工作者协会理事
2007-2011 西北农林科技大学 本科
2011-2013 奥地利维也纳自然资源与生命科学大学 硕士
2011-2013 荷兰瓦赫宁根大学 硕士
2013-2016 丹麦奥胡斯大学 博士
2013-2017 荷兰瓦赫宁根大学 博士
2018-2019 丹麦哥本哈根大学 博士后
2018-2020 丹麦奥胡斯大学 博士后/客座研究员
2020-至今 丹麦奥胡斯大学 客座研究员
2023-至今 在线赌博平台 教授(特聘)
国家自然科学基金青年项目、北京市科技新星计划、外国专家交流合作项目、高层次海外留学归国人才计划、人类UKBB精准医疗算法开发项目、国际1000头公牛基因组计划、丹麦动植物基因组选择育种项目、荷兰Breed4Food项目;欧盟Erasmus Mundus全额奖学金计划(硕士、博士项目)等
(1) Bo Cui; Zhongxu Guo; Hongbo Cao; Mario Calus; Qianqian Zhang*,The computational implementation of a platform of relative Identity by Descent scores algorithm for introgressive mapping. Frontiers in Genetics, 2023, Accepted.
(2) Qianqian Zhang*; Anna Amanda Schönherz; Mogens Sandø Lund; Bernt Guldbrandtsen, Positive Selection and Adaptive Introgression of Haplotypes from Bos indicus Improve the Modern Bos taurus Cattle., Agriculture, 2022,12:844, //doi.org/10.3390/agriculture12060844.
(3)Qianqian Zhang*; Qin Zhang; Just Jensen, Association studies and genomic prediction for genetic improvements in agriculture., Frontiers in Plant Science, 2022, 13: 904230, DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2022.904230.
(4)Qianqian Zhang;Florian Privé; Bjarni Vilhjálmsson; Doug Speed*,Improved genetic prediction of complex traits from individual-level data or summary statistics.,Nature Communications, 2021, (2021) 12:4192.
(5)Qianqian Zhang*; Gareth Difford; Goutam Sahana; Peter Lovendahl; Jan Lassen; Mogens Lund; Bernt Guldbrandtsen; Luc Janss; Bayesian modelling reveals host genetics associated with rumen microbiota jointly methane emission in dairy cows., The ISME Journal, 2020, 8: 2019-2033.
(6)Qianqian Zhang#; Zexi Cai#; Marie Lhomme; Goutam Sahana; Philippe Lesnik; Maryse Guerin; Merete Fredholm; Peter KarlskovMortensen; Inclusion of endophenotypes in a standard GWAS facilitate a detailed mechanistic understanding of genetic elements that control blood lipid levels., Scientific Reports, 2020, 10: 18434. //doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-75612-6
(7)Qianqian Zhang*; Mario Calus; Mirte Bosse; Goutam Sahana; Mogens Lund; Bernt Guldbrandtsen; Human-Mediated Introgression of Haplotypes in a Modern Dairy Cattle Breed, Genetics, 2018, 209: 1305-1317.doi: //doi.org/10.1534/genetics.118.301143
(8)Qianqian Zhang*; Goutam Sahana; Guosheng Su; Bernt Guldbrandtsen; Mogens Lund; Mario Calus; Impact of rare and low-frequency sequence variants on reliability of genomic prediction in dairy cattle, Genetics Selection Evolution, 2018, 62: 50-62. //doi.org/10.1186/s12711-018-0432-8
(9)Qianqian Zhang*; Mario Calus; Bernt Guldbrandtsen; Mogens Lund; Goutam Sahana,. Contribution of rare and lowfrequency wholegenome sequence variants to complex traits variation in dairy cattle, Genetics Selection Evolution, 2017, 60: 49-60. DOI 10.1186/s12711-017-0336-z
(10) Qianqian Zhang*, Mario Calus, Bernt Guldbrandtsen, Mogens Lund, Goutam Sahana. Comparison of rare variant association mapping methods for quantitative traits in cattle population with complex familial relationship. Genetics Selection Evolution, 48(1): 60. 2016. DOI 10.1186/s12711-016-0238-5
(11)Qianqian Zhang*, Bernt Guldbrandtsen, Jorn Thomasen, Mogens Lund, Goutam Sahana. Genome-wide association study for longevity with whole genome sequence in three cattle breeds. Journal of Dairy Science, 99:7289–7298. DOI: //dx.doi.org/10.3168/jds.2015-10697. 2016.
(12)Qianqian Zhang*, Bernt Guldbrandtsen, Mirte Bosse, M. Lund, G. Sahana*. Runs of homozygosity and distribution of functional variants in the cattle genome. B M C Genomics, 16(1):542. 2015.
(13)Qianqian Zhang*, M. Calus, B. Guldbrandtsen, M. Lund, G. Sahana*. Estimation of inbreeding using pedigree, 50k SNP chip genotypes and full sequence data in three cattle breeds. B M C Genetics, 16(1):88. 2015.