- 办公地点: 化生楼120
- 办公电话: --
- 电子邮件: [email protected]
- 本科课程: 分析化学,分析化学实验
- 研究生课程: --
- 科研方向: 分子诊断与生化分析,主要包括核酸标志物分析,蛋白酶活性分析,单细胞分析。
- 社会职务:--
2017年6月-至今, 在线赌博平台, 讲师
2017年6月-2019年6月, 在线赌博平台, 师资博士后 合作导师:李正平教授
2013年9月-2016年12月,陕西师范大学, 博士,导师:李正平 教授
2010年9月-2013年7月,河北大学,硕士,导师:李正平 教授
中央高校基本科研业务费项目,2017.06-2019.12,FRFTP-17-046A1,10万元, 主持;
Ø Honghong Wang#, Hui Wang#, Xinrui Duan*, Yuanyuan Sun, Xiangdong Wang, and Zhengping Li*. Highly Sensitive and Multiplexed Quantification of mRNA Splice Variants by Direct Ligation of DNA Probes at Exon Junction and Universal PCR Amplification. Chemical Science, 2017, 8, 3635-3640.
Ø Honghong Wang#, Hui Wang#, Chenghui Liu*, Xinrui Duan, Zhengping Li*. Ultrasensitive Detection of Telomerase Activity in a Single Cell Using Stem-loop Primer-mediated Exponentially Amplification (SPEA) with Near Zero Nonspecific Signal. Chemical Science, 2016, 7, 4945 - 4950.
Ø Honghong Wang, Hui Wang,* Yuting Jia, Mai Zhang, and Zhengping Li*. One-pot detection of telomerase activity with high sensitivity and specificity via RNA FRET probes and RNase H-assisted signal cycling amplification. RSC Advances, 2019, 9, 14817-14821.
Ø Honghong Wang, Hui Wang, Mai Zhang, Yuting Jia
, and Zhengping Li*. A label-free aptamer-based biosensor for microRNA detection by the RNA-regulated fluorescence of malachite green, RSC Advances, 2019, (Accepted)
Ø Hui Wang, Honghong Wang, Yuting Jia, Ruyan Sun, Weixiang Hong, Mai Zhang, and Zhengping Li*. Vis-Fusion LIEXA: A Point-of-Care Testing Method for Highly Specific and Sensitive Quantitation of Fusion Gene with SmartPhone. Analytical Chemistry, 2019, 2019, 91, 12428-12434.
Ø Hui Wang, Honghong Wang, Xinrui Duan* and Zhengping Li*. Sensitive detection of mRNA by using specific cleavage-mediated isothermal exponential amplification. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2017, 252, 215-222.
Ø Hui Wang, Honghong Wang, Xinrui Duan*, Chenghui Liu and Zhengping Li*. Digital quantitative analysis of microRNA in single cell based on ligation-depended polymerase colony (Polony). Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2017, 95, 146-151.
Ø Hui Wang, Honghong Wang, Chenghui Liu, Xinrui Duan and Zhengping Li*. Enzyme-free and multiplexed microRNA detection using microRNA-initiated DNA molecular motor. Science China Chemistry, 2016, 59, 83-88.
Ø Xiaobo Zhang, Chenghui Liu*, Honghong Wang, Hui Wang, Zhengping Li*. Rare Earth Ion-Mediated Fluorescence Accumulation on a Single Microbead: An Ultrasensitive Strategy for the Detection of Protein Kinase Activity at the Single-Cell Level. Angewandte Chemie-International Edition, 2015, 54, 1-6.
Ø Chenghui Liu*, Lijuan Chang, Honghong Wang, Jie Bai, Wei Ren, Zhengping Li*. Upconversion Nanophosphor: An Efficient Phosphopeptides-Recognizing Matrix and Luminescence Resonance Energy Transfer Donor for Robust Detection of Protein Kinase Activity. Analytical Chemistry, 2014, 86, 6095-6102.
Ø 李正平; 王洪红; 王辉; 刘成辉, 一种茎环结构组合探针及其应用,2018.3.6,中国,专利号:ZL201610056612.1
Ø 李正平; 王辉; 王洪红; 孙圆圆, 一种基于连接反应构建双茎环结构DNA模板检测核酸的方法,2018.5.8,中国,专利号:ZL 201610316771.0
Ø 王辉; 李正平; 王洪红; 孙茹艳; 贾玉婷,一种基于智能设备辅助的核酸定量分析方法及其应用,2019.6.20,中国,申请号:201910538333.2