近日,pinnacle博彩-在线赌博平台 、融合创新研究院、生物前沿技术与应用研究中心万向元教授团队在国际著名TOP期刊Plant Biotechnology Journal(SCI影响因子7.443)在线发表了题为“Construction of a multi-control sterility system for a maize male-sterile line and hybrid seed production based on the ZmMs7 gene encoding a PHD-finger transcription factor”的研究论文(文章链接//。该研究首次报道了玉米隐性核不育基因ZmMs7的图位克隆和功能研究,为玉米雄花发育的分子机理研究提供了重要线索;同时,首次提出了作物多控不育技术系统(Multi-Control Sterility System)的概念,利用该技术体系生产的玉米不育系和杂交种都不含任何转基因成分,可规避转基因对人类食品安全的困扰。该研究利用ZmMs7基因及其突变体(ms7ms7)成功创建了玉米多控不育技术体系,在玉米不育系创制与杂交种生产上具有重要应用价值。
Figure Phenotype of the ZmMs7 transgenic maintainer line (T1). A and B, Ear phenotype of the maize Hi-II hybrid line (A) and transgenic event (M0701-2, B); C and D, Transgenic seeds (C) and non-transgenic seeds (D) from M0701-2 under a red fluorescence (RF) filter. T1 is the first transformation generation. Bars=1 cm.
此外,该研究相关成果已获批两项国家发明专利:一种控制玉米雄性生育力的ZmMs7基因序列及其编码蛋白(专利号ZL201410338212.0),一种基于Ms7基因构建的多控不育表达载体及其用于保持和繁殖玉米隐性核不育系的方法(专利号ZL 201510301333.2)。
Summary: Although hundreds of genetic male sterility (GMS) mutants have been identified in maize, few are commercially used due to a lack of effective methods to produce large quantities of pure male-sterile seeds. Here, we develop a multi-control sterility (MCS) system based on the maize male sterility 7 (ms7) mutant and its wild-type Zea mays Male sterility 7 (ZmMs7) gene via a transgenic strategy, leading to the utilization of GMS in hybrid seed production. ZmMs7 is isolated by a map-based cloning approach, and it encodes a PHD-finger transcription factor orthologous to rice PTC1 and Arabidopsis MS1. The MCS transgenic maintainer lines are developed based on the ms7-6007 mutant transformed with MCS constructs containing the (i) wild-type ZmMs7 gene to restore fertility, (ii) maize α-amylase gene ZmAA and/or (iii) DNA adenine methylase gene Dam to devitalize transgenic pollen, (iv) red fluorescence protein gene DsRed2 or mCherry to mark transgenic seeds, and (v) the herbicide-resistant gene Bar for transgenic seed selection. Self-pollination of the MCS transgenic maintainer line produces transgenic red fluorescent seeds and non-transgenic normal color seeds at a 1:1 ratio. Among them, all the red fluorescent seeds are male fertile, but the seeds with a normal color are male sterile. Cross-pollination of the transgenic plants to male-sterile plants propagates the male-sterile seeds with high purity. Moreover, the transgene transmission rate through pollen of transgenic plants harboring two pollen-disrupted genes is lower than that containing one pollen-disrupted gene. The MCS system has great potential to enhance the efficiency of maize male-sterile line propagation and commercial hybrid seed production.